Bill Lyons | It’s Good to Have Choices?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Thanks for following up on my suggestion to investigate what happens to our community’s recycling effort. Congratulations to Mr. Michael Picarella for a comprehensive article (May 21). Unfortunately, I’m troubled.

Michael mentioned that a stroller can’t be recycled because it is an assembly of different materials. That leaves me with two options: Take such items apart myself or dump them into trash destined for the landfill. More bothersome is the need to rinse and dry plastic and metal containers to remove “contaminates.” Ever hear of the drought? SCV Water is dunning everyone to cut back water use 20% — not an easy task for those who already use drip irrigation, dual-flush toilets and low-flow shower heads. (One size does NOT fit all). Brown lawn or grubby cat food cans, that is the question.

Bill Lyons

Santa Clarita

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