Hector Sepulveda | Seeking GI Bill Parity

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Concerning the proposed bill H.R. 1836, Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity of 2021, it is an excellent opportunity for the part-time service members to reward their honorable service to their country. Part-time service members do not receive the same benefits as full-time. The benefits include full-tuition educational assistance, housing allowance and book funding.

Service members must serve 36 months of active duty to earn 100% of the post-911 GI Bill. It is difficult for part-time troops to acquire 100% of the Post-911 GI Bill because these members serve one weekend a month and two weeks during the summer. Bill H.R. 1836 ensures that every day spent in military uniform contributes to the member’s post-911 GI Bill benefit.

As a member of the United States Army with more than 12 years of honorable service, I understand the sacrifices required to serve and protect our freedom. Members of the National Guard and Reserve have the exact requirements as active duty. These members deploy to accomplish the same mission regardless of branch of service, part-time, or full-time status. All armed forces members have raised their right hand under oath to fight against all enemies, foreign or domestic. 

National Guard and Reserve should receive the equal benefit as any other service member. I believe that an educated community can significantly impact its success. Bill H.R. 1836 will help our veteran population achieve their educational goals and further their careers.

The National Guard and Reserve members invest a significant amount of their time serving their country. For example, these members must attend basic combat training and advanced individual training. The length of training could vary from six months to two years while their peers attend college. This commitment requires time away from their families and the sacrifice of falling behind on their college educational goals.

Warrant Officer Hector A. Sepulveda
U.S. Army

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