Kenneth Bloomfield | Where Is the Outrage?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Ye (aka Kanye West) exclaimed in a podcast, “The Black genocide continues!” He points out that the major cause of Black deaths is abortion. He estimates that without 50 years of Planned Parenthood, the black population in the U.S. would have been double what it is today. 

The Washington Times expands on this by revealing: “Surgical abortions account for 61% of all deaths combined in the African-American community.” While calling an abortion a death is decried by many abortion advocates, even pro-choice President Joe Biden called abortion “the killing of a child.” 

Margaret Sanger began providing abortions to Black women in 1970 after New York legalized abortion. In most years since then, more Black children have been aborted than born in New York City. 

On Jan. 23, 1973, seven unelected men obliterated all the laws protecting unborn children from abortionists. Despite hearing and apparently concurring with testimony (read Roe v. Wade to see for yourself) that fetuses are human life, that legislatures knew they were protecting human lives and had the prerogative (I think responsibility) to protect these lives, the justices chose to invent a non-existent constitutional right that allowed them to expose all the nation’s unborn children to potential harm at the bequest of their own mothers. 

This aberrant ruling allowed Planned Parenthood to expand nationwide, resulting in 62 million deaths since 1973, of which nearly 25 million were Black children. Black deaths approach 40% of the total — triple the percentage of the existing Black population. The Heritage Foundation wonders, “If Black lives matter to Planned Parenthood, then why, according to a 2015 study, are nearly 80% of its surgical abortion facilities located within walking distance of minority neighborhoods?” 

Gov. Gavin Newsom exclaims that he will make every effort to assure that unborn children remain vulnerable in the state of California. Write the governor and your legislators to express your outrage at the prioritizing of universal abortion over ending Black genocide.

Kenneth Bloomfield

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