The “great replacement theory” is alive and well in the California statehouse.
One might wonder why Gov. Gavin Newsom would allow the display of the Planned Parenthood logo on his televised campaign ad. One might wonder, that is, if this wasn’t the pattern for Democrats the last 60 years. In 1963, Democratic Alabama Gov. George Wallace attempted to block the desegregation of the University of Alabama. Democratic senators filibustered both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the federal school integration legislation. One Democratic senator, Joe Biden, opposed integration because he didn’t want schools to turn into “a jungle.”
Fast forward to 2021 when voters (successfully petitioned for a gubernatorial recall election), burdened with executive orders closing “nonessential” businesses while allowing an “essential” movie studio to feed staff across the street from a shuttered restaurant; and, restricting meetings to 10 or less and requiring face masks for all, except when Gov. Newsom gathered maskless with lobbyists at a supposedly nonessential upscale restaurant. Polling just days before a (recall election) debate showed voters 11% more likely to vote yes to recall than to vote no. That changed quickly when it became apparent that the replacement governor would be a Black libertarian. California Democrats rallied around their draconian governor, swinging voting by nearly 35%. Now Newsom is secure in his Democratic mandate.
The left-leaning and self-described ecoterrorist, Payton Gendron, revived Margaret Sanger’s plan to eliminate Black people, moving it 150 miles west to Buffalo from its inception in Syracuse. Now Gavin Newsom wants to move it further west to California. Don’t be taken in: Don’t abet the intentional killing of Black children. If you are pro-choice, let pregnant Black women choose life for their children. Remove Gavin Newson from the California statehouse and Planned Parenthood from California.
Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King Jr.) remarked on the error of Planned Parenthood’s abortion-on-demand ideology: “The most obvious practitioner of racism in the United States today is Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger and recently documented as ready to accept money to eliminate Black babies.”
Kenneth Bloomfield
Agua Dulce