The recent Route Fire is fresh in our minds. Our area experienced significant traffic issues related to roadway damage on Interstate 5, the West Coast’s primary north-south artery. Since I live in Castaic, I witnessed the resulting traffic nightmare on the highway and The Old Road. The freeway lane closures even caused unforeseen traffic rerouting through my residential neighborhood streets. Caltrans and the California Highway Patrol are to be commended for addressing the problem.
Local and state entities rose to the challenge and received praise in the media. I want to add another name for recognition that most have not considered in this traffic fiasco. Our congressman, Mike Garcia, was looking out for our Castaic issue and assured that federal assistance would be available should funding be needed.
Rep. Garcia is the kind of individual we need to keep in Congress. He is in tune with those he represents and knows the needs of our community, even Castaic. While freely flowing traffic is important, Mike Garcia is constantly working to care for all in our district by addressing the issues that are most important to us all in the trying time we find ourselves in. His top priority is to protect the livelihood and security of our families and our neighborhoods, along with working to get our economy back on track.
Typically, less than one-third of registered voters actually vote. The upcoming election on Nov. 8 is one that needs maximum participation. Your vote counts. Mike Garcia truly has the welfare of us all at heart and he has my vote to continue as my congressman here in the new 27th District. I urge you to vote for the candidate who puts you first, Mike Garcia.
Michael Woodings