Opinions: “Beliefs stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge.”
Opinions… we all have them. They come in all colors, sizes and persuasions, much like the human beings who embrace them. Some of us are very passionate about our opinions, others are more apathetic.
We read strong opinions each day from the prolific Santa Clarita Valley columnists and on social media. We also hear an abundance of opinions on TV daily. Some we agree with, some we do not, and some opinions we ponder.
The question I have is, how many of us do our own research? Do we dig deep with the intent of learning and finding truth, or do we simply look for an opinion that supports what we already want to believe?
Keeping an open mind, a willingness to listen to or accept different ideas or opinions, is a lofty goal. It doesn’t mean we are compromising our beliefs; it just means we are respecting the rights of others to have beliefs different than ours.
How many of us dread or avoid seeing family or friends whose opinions we disagree with? What if we try listening to the other person’s complete thought and not interrupt them? Would we have a better understanding of where they are coming from? Would they extend the same courtesy back? Perhaps we can agree to disagree?
Opinions can bring us together and they can tear us apart.
Politics, religion, health care, violence, gun control, gender equality, climate change… and the list goes on. As we head into the (holidays) and count our blessings, my hope is that we will consider anew being kind and compassionate to one another.
Linda Schulte