Dennis Fuerst | Hate at the Ballpark

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

So the L.A. Dodgers fan base has been advised the Dodgers’ version of “Pride” is to mock and denigrate Christian religions in general, and the Catholic faith in particular, by inviting the hate-mongering group, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, to be honored at Pride Night June 16 at Dodger Stadium. It is unfathomable that such a storied MLB franchise would wish to be associated with such a vile display of anti-religion perpetuated by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. 

I applaud star pitcher Clayton Kershaw for being “the adult in the room” by taking it upon himself to reintroduce “Christian Faith and Family Day” at Dodger Stadium. It’s unfortunate the Dodgers’ senior management has stooped to the low level that is now very apparent. The antics of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are the very definition of “hate speech.” The Dodgers’ fan base can determine if they choose to continue to support this team, but I strongly urge the Santa Clarita City Council to disassociate our city from the Dodgers by canceling Santa Clarita Dodger Day, scheduled to be held only one day after the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will be allowed to make a mockery of organized religion. For our City Council to not to do so will be seen as the city endorsing the actions of this vitriolic and hateful group. 

Dennis Fuerst

Santa Clarita

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