Max Morgan | Hillary Had a Big Lie of Her Own

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

In her latest Trump Derangement Syndrome missive (Aug. 18) Lois Eisenberg invokes the name of her heroine on the left, Hillary Clinton. 

If there were ever a politician as caustic and belligerent as Donald Trump, it’s Hillary Clinton. The same Hillary Clinton who, as you wrote, referred to Republicans as “deplorables.” The same Hillary Clinton whose campaign financed the Steele dossier, one of the dirtiest tricks in the history of American politics. 

Was that not also, as you have accused Donald Trump, “a Big Lie,” Lois? 

And yes, in an answer to your own question, it’s obvious you do have a hate fetish toward Donald Trump. To deny otherwise is simply delusional.

Max Morgan


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