Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool holds second annual Trunk or Treat community event

The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal

The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Caterers from In-N-Out provided guests with food, and children and adults alike were encouraged to dress up and take part in the spooky holiday event.

The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
The Bethlehem SCV Church & Preschool Trunk or Treat hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal

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