Rob Kerchner | Blinding Hatred

Letters to the Editor

The most conservative president since Ronald Reagan was also — not coincidentally — the most successful in that span for America both domestically and internationally. That’s not opinion; it’s a pre-COVID statistical fact. And his remaking of the judicial branch continues to pay dividends of freedom to this day. 

But he was also the most untested, unorthodox and unpolitical president in modern times, to the point of being hamfisted, pompous and naïve. The same liberal establishment and liberal media that hated Reagan absolutely loathed this president, with the white-hot hatred of a thousand suns, and they were ultimately able to defeat him … but only through illegal government censorship, endless underhanded and undermining investigations, two ridiculous impeachments, illegal election law changes, and a government-made virus complete with a media/government-fueled overreaction of hate, fear, control and division. 

Even out of office they never stopped attacking him. Even as the results of his successor swirled down the toilet, still they vilified him. And even now, as his successor’s corruption and senility become too obvious for anyone to ignore, still the hatred blinds his opponents into unprecedented abuses of power and uneven applications of justice.

Rob Kerchner 


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