Michael Sandeen | Responses Are Still Tribal

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Thomas Oatway (Oct. 28), thank you for responding to my Sept. 14 letter to the editor. It’s good to actually engage on these issues so I, also, want to respond to you. 

When I asked about the Biden administration you turned it to a question of moral equivalence. I don’t actually believe there is a moral equivalence between the Donald Trump and Joe Biden situations but, that is neither here nor there. I seriously hope we are offered a different choice than Mr. Biden or Mr. Trump but don’t feel a lot of hope that way. What I asked you is if you saw nothing to complain about in the Biden administration. You still haven’t really answered that question.  

You and I agree on George Gascón, so nothing really to discuss there. 

I’m glad to read that you aren’t in favor of one-party rule and, personally, I think “decline to state” is a better option than Democrat or Republican, given my dissatisfaction with both parties. 

Does the Democratic Legislature hold no responsibility for what legislation they put through? It’s all the Republicans’ fault, somehow? 

In summary, I think your responses concerning the Biden administration and the one-party rule of California are still quite tribal. You don’t seem to be able to bring yourself to criticize the Democrat in the White House and you blame the other tribe for one-party rule with no critique of what that one party is imposing on our state. 

Michael Sandeen

Canyon Country

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