Richard LaMotte | An Irreversible Conveyer Belt

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Medical experts in Sweden and Canada have changed their guidelines concerning “trans” youth. They’ve found that many children are choosing to embark on a sex/gender transition without a medical reason, falsely believing they suffer from a condition called “gender dysphoria.” This new phenomenon is brought about by a combination of factors, including a negative self-image, peer pressure, social media approval, natural anxiety accompanying puberty, and encouragement by others.

Doctors fear that, once put on the “medical conveyor belt” of puberty-blocking drugs, children are sometimes chauffeured into irreversible and damaging medical “reassignment surgery.” This fear arises from the growing number of young adults who are expressing regret over having made the decision to change their sex/gender while being impressionable children, and now are seeking to “de-transition.”

Current medical thinking suggests counseling children to accept themselves until they reach the legal age of 18, at which time they have passed through puberty and can make a more informed decision regarding their future.  

Legally, California state family law presumes that the parent and child share a “custodial” relationship in which the parent is charged with the responsibility for the safety and security of the child. This presumption assumes the parent has the right to all information concerning the health, both mental and physical of the child, from any and all sources.

A third party, interfering with that parental right, may be guilty of what’s known as, “alienation,” an actionable offense.

(Information on new Swedish trans guidelines can be found on the web.)

Anyone can write the school board and request not to be notified as to their child’s well-being or healthful condition – but one group of citizens cannot vote the right to know away from another group.

Richard LaMotte


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