Thomas Oatway | New Year’s Thanks

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

With the start of a new year, I thought it would be appropriate to express my thanks for my blessings, and reflect on some challenges for 2024. Unfortunately, many of us are quick to express frustration with our current condition, and reluctant to show gratitude for what we have.

First and foremost, I have to thank my beautiful, loving wife, who tolerates me but also keeps me grounded when I stray. She provides a loving home atmosphere that makes me want to rise every morning for a new day. She also does all of the shopping, which I avoid like the plague.

Good health, thanks to Medicare and some wonderful doctors, is another important blessing. With a rebuilt heart, repaired vision, a replacement knee and COVID boosters, I am able to enjoy life, golf and walking with my neighbor’s yellow Lab (Bentley). We have pensions, Social Security, and 401-K funds to provide housing, food and entertainment opportunities. My senior golfing buddies at Vista Valencia and Knollwood Country Club keep me feeling young(er) and mostly humble.

Those of us who get to live in God’s Country (Santa Clarita) should appreciate what we have: A pleasant, well-run community, with almost tolerable traffic. Living in California, with its beauty and great weather, is a Godsend, especially since I am a native of dysfunctional and oppressively hot Florida. I left Florida 55 years ago and hope to never return.

There are a few things that frustrate me involving politics, primarily the MAGA Republicans in the House majority, and their cult leader. Hopefully we can rid ourselves of these maladies in 2024, and save our democracy.

Finally, I wish to express my thanks to The Signal, which posts my letters even though my opinions may be contrary to theirs. What an uncommon American concept: Tolerance of opposing opinions.

Thomas Oatway


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