Katherine Markova | A Committed Climate Champion

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the wider climate scientistic community, 2023 was the world’s warmest year on record by far, and 2024 is projected to be even hotter yet.  

Climate change is the issue of our times. In 2024 we must elect leaders to the California Legislature to reduce emissions and limit overall temperature increases. 

Kipp Mueller is making the climate crisis a priority and plans to use his relationships with his colleagues and his district to sponsor legislation that treats climate change with the necessary urgency. 

Kipp has signed the No Fossil Fuel pledge and does not accept campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies, investor-owned utilities or the petrochemical industry. He believes that the three most urgent environmental issues for his district are clean air, clean water and transitioning away from fossil fuels.  

Please vote for Kipp as he will be a committed climate champion in Sacramento. 

Katherine Markova 

Los Angeles

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