Rob Kerchner | Dirty Birds in Washington

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

According to the Pew Research Center, 58% of Joe Biden voters mailed in their 2020 ballots, compared to 32% of Donald Trump voters. And according to Rasmussen, 21 percent of mail-in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member; 19 percent of mail-in voters admitted that a friend or family member filled out a ballot on their behalf; 17 percent of mail-in voters admitted that they voted in a state where they are no longer a permanent resident; and 17 percent of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member with or without his or her permission.

This is significant because it means that Biden received a much larger overall share of illegal ballots than Trump than did. We know that Biden’s margin of victory was razor-thin in many of the battleground states, which indicates that duplicity regarding mail-in ballots gave Biden the Electoral College.

And it was no accident. Instead of rejecting 1 in 5 mail-in ballots as usual, officials purposely looked the other way during the election and barely rejected 1 in 100. 

On top of that, polling indicates that if the government had not illegally and unfairly censored and suppressed the Biden laptop story, a more-than-sufficient number of Biden voters would have switched their votes or abstained. 

Talk about dirty birds. They unethically and illegally gave us the candidate America didn’t want, and the results are hitting all Americans now, every single day.

Rob Kerchner 


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