Arthur Saginian | Obama’s Third Term

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

If anyone thinks that President Joe Biden is responsible for anything beyond having his name placed on policies and positions … hmm.

I once Googled, “Who is pulling President Biden’s strings?” I got everything from “nobody” to three individuals: Susan Rice, Ron Klain, and, of course, former President Barack Obama. Rice and Klain are both ex-Obama administration people. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot more ex-Obama admins running the Biden show, and I’ll throw Hillary Clinton into that mix because she still hasn’t gotten over losing to Donald Trump (for which she personally apologized to Obama). I don’t think Biden is inept or senile, but I do think he allows a lot of other people to do lots of things for him as most presidents do. 

All that aside, electing Biden virtually gave Obama a third term, and Obama himself admitted to desiring to do just that — I watched the interview where he said that. So my question now is this, why do Obama and his folks want to do all the things that are being done right now, the effects of which are being reflected in dismal polling for Biden? Are they daft?

I saw most of Obama’s policies as ill-advised and immature, not to mention his penchant for bypassing Congress. I don’t think he was a good president (despite the Nobel Prize). Biden, as his once-removed surrogate, is even worse, but the worst is yet to come: Kamala Harris as president. (Horror movie scream).  

Arthur Saginian

Santa Clarita 

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