I’ve often wondered as to what is the underlying driving factor behind many of the more bizarre socioeconomic policies that were being pursued by former President Barack Obama and his administration, and by extension the current Joe Biden administration. Much of it rings of socialism if not outright Marxist-Leninism.
After some digging and researching, I came across this fascinating 2012 article in Forbes magazine: www.forbes.com/sites/markhendrickson/2012/07/26/president-obamas-marxist-leninist-economics-fact-and-fiction.
President Obama emulated Vladimir Lenin in striving to increase state control over energy, health care, finance and education, with smaller forays into food and transportation. But why? I think it’s because Obama, et al., have an ultimate goal, and that is to eliminate the middle class “bourgeoisie” and leave the country with two classes: 1) a large mass of millions of drone-like workers — illegal immigrants? — and 2) an elite ruling class, which would include people like himself.
But why? I don’t know, but you might find out by asking his former pastor of 20 years, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a card-carrying Marxist himself as well as a self-proclaimed America-hater. You might also want to read up on the objectives of “Black liberation theology.” These aren’t conspiracy theories. They are well-documented realities.
So, you see, former President Donald Trump isn’t the only one who can “destroy our democracy.” Obama and his “lackeys” are simply on a different road that leads to the same destination.
Arthur Saginian
Santa Clarita