Arthur Saginian | The Apology Has Been Found

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

As I sat there musing over the letter that was submitted by Rob Kerchner and published on June 30 requesting an apology from the liberal left for the ill-mannered way in which they reacted (and tried to force the rest of us to react) to the pandemic, it struck me that I had actually come across just such an apology. 

“Ill-mannered” — that would almost be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

The apology, as well as a request for forgiveness (imagine that), was in the form of an article that ran in The Atlantic back on Oct. 31 of 2022 entitled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty.” The person who penned that article seemed genuinely contrite. This person felt bad for what the left put us through, especially for what the school children had been put through, and how they would consequently suffer for years to come due to sheer ignorance — the ignorance of the adults who they are supposed to look up to and trust. The irony. So much needless damage done with the best of intentions. 

 Anyway, here’s the article, Rob:

I hope in reading it you can find some sense of solace and find it in your heart to forgive those who simply don’t know any better despite the fact that most of them are also too stubborn and proud to have the courage to express themselves as honestly as the author of this article did even if they had the presence of mind to realize they were wrong. This war can’t be won by trying to talk sense to people who are beyond reach. Perhaps there’s another way, Rob.

Arthur Saginian

Santa Clarita

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