John Weaver | This Is a Great Man?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

I am always perplexed by writers like Lois Eisenberg whose world view, concept of truth and interpretation of events seem so completely alien to my own. Case in point: On June 26, Lois writes a letter, “A Great Man Makes a Hard Decision” regarding Joe Biden withdrawing from the presidential race. 

Were I to write an article on the same subject, the title would be closer to: “Long Term Elderly Politician with Questionable Ethics and Severe Dementia, After Being Publicly Exposed, Forced to Step Down from Race By Terrified Party Bosses and an Insanely Ambitious Underling.” 

Rumor is that Biden (or perhaps Jill negotiating for Joe) agreed to step down amid threats that the 25th Amendment might be invoked (the stick) and that rewards — perhaps a well-funded presidential library — might be forthcoming (the carrot).

It is interesting to speculate as to what Lois’ “great man” might put into such a presidential library. Perhaps there would be a display devoted to the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. The display could play film on a continuous loop showing the departure of our cargo plane with terrified Afghans clinging to the outside and then falling to their death as the plane took off. Additionally, the display could show the bored “great man” looking at his watch as our dead soldiers arrived home and were carried from the plane, or of Taliban soldiers driving, flying and shooting the billions in military hardware that Biden left behind along with the near trillion-dollar Bagram air base, which he summarily abandoned. 

Other displays in Biden’s library could be devoted to: 

• Biden’s “temporary” long-term inflation. 

• How Biden funded both sides of the Russia/Ukraine conflict — Russia by raising oil prices and Ukraine through direct subsidies — and opened the door to conflict in the Middle East by filling Iran’s coffers, enabling Iran to fund surrogates like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis to attack Israel.  

• The cozy relationship between the Biden family and various foreign governments and oligarchs, which resulted in many millions into family coffers, including 10% to the “big guy,” and no visible product other than influence peddling, the whole dirty business being infused with Foreign Agents Registration Act violations, tax evasions and other crimes. 

• Biden’s open border policy, which has resulted in 10 to 20 million “new arrivals” including significant numbers of criminals and terrorists placing great strains and costs on our schools, our health care, and housing as well as decreasing public safety and threatening national security. 

• Biden’s hundreds of illegally stolen highly classified documents, many of which were stored so as to give hostile foreign powers access. 

Readers can imagine their own additional “great man’s accomplishments” to be displayed. I find it difficult to do anything other than shake my head at the term “great man” and think, “Are you kidding me?”   

John Weaver


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