Rob Kerchner | Pity This Voter Bloc

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Editor’s note: The following letter was written before Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential election.

Pity the poor affluent white female liberals. They trumpet abortion and they fear for “democracy,” but they’re increasingly alone on both counts in supporting Joe Biden. 

During the 2022 midterms, AWFLs thought they could weaponize the House Jan. 6 hearings against the GOP. Then, the economy started to fall apart. In 2024, the AWFLs thought they could scare the electorate about abortion. But the economy continued to fail; chaos erupted abroad, and illegal immigrants (whom Biden allowed to come in record numbers) started raping and murdering our citizens. 

There are just too many bigger issues, and just too many fractures in the Democratic Party base, for those college-educated, abortion-cheering, hysteria-hyping white females to overcome. 

Think about it. Black voters under 50 — men and women — have fled Joe Biden, from an 80-point advantage in 2020 to just 37 in 2024. Donald Trump is on pace for a historic performance with them. 

Up until this point, all Biden could hang his hat on was the “defender of democracy” canard. Now, that’s gone too. Polls now prefer Trump on that very issue as well. Next thing you know, Trump’s hands-off federal approach on abortion will outpoll Biden’s abortions-until-birth-in-every-state demand, and then the AWFL mood will be truly awful.

Rob Kerchner 


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