Having read The Signal Editorial Board’s opinion (June 1) on the “lawfare” being applied to poor Donald Trump by the Biden Administration, in concert with state and local court venues, I have come to a conclusion that we need a lot more truth and a lot less lying in media and politics.
In my dreams, I imagine that if (newspapers) publish their opinions, it should be followed by a certification by a polygraph expert that all of the information in the opinion passed a lie detector test.
We could extend this to all federal, state and local politicians in their statements to the public. Could “Meet the Press,” “State of the Union” or “Face the Nation” stay in business if all of their guests and hosts had to take a polygraph test to certify their truthfulness? Certainly this would put some podcasters out of business. I am thinking of Steve Bannon, and that guy who had to testify that he lied about the Sandy Hook murders.
OK, there would be some big losers. Fox News would have to make a change to its programming. We would not have that many current politicians who could stay in office. Just imagine a politician who had to certify that he did not take any bribes or steal any classified data. The anti-vaxxers would be out of business. No big loss.
If this is successful, we could extend this policy to opinion contributors to newspapers. Sign me up.
Thomas Oatway