Note: This letter was submitted on Oct. 13 — lucky number — with the expectation that Vice President Kamala Harris will lose to former President Donald Trump.
Poor VP Kamala Harris is taking a shellacking due, mostly, to the fact that she isn’t even supposed to be in this race in the first place. She should never even have been chosen as President Joe Biden’s VP. Harris is an attorney, a prosecutor, and former attorney general of the state of California. That is as far as she should have gone — if even that — mainly because the higher levels of any position require personality and political skills, of which Harris has very little to none. Politics aside, Trump is personality personified.
Harris has also risen a bit too quickly. Even seasoned mountaineers know enough to take periodic breaks in order to acclimatize themselves while on a serious ascent. One doesn’t simply do Everest in a weekend. There’s an old saying: People are usually promoted to their level of incompetence. That means they stop promoting you when it becomes clear that you’re in over your head. Harris is proof of that, but in her case they’re trying to push her even further, and for lots of reasons.
Arthur Saginian
Santa Clarita