Good ol’ Valerie Bradford, president of the Santa Clarita Valley Chapter of the NAACP (letters, Oct. 22), propagating lies of rampant racism here in the SCV without a shred of proof to back a single claim.
Rather, she spews baseless accusations with the typical boilerplate “everything is racist” phrases. How about I make this simple for the people of SCV as to why she does this? The SCV does not need the NAACP, the NAACP needs the SCV. SCV has less than a (5%) Black population, yet Valerie and her ilk found it necessary to set up shop here to combat the ever-elusive racism bogeyman.
Lastly, we are taught to assess people on the content of their character, what they believe, how they treat others. So how in the world, without ever speaking to the person who displayed the Confederate flag, can she pass judgment on him as a “racist”?
She can’t.
Derek Vineyard
Canyon Country