Dr. Gene Dorio | Being a Good Neighbor

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

We are more than just residents in a planned community. We are a family with excellent schools, organized roads, and active participation in government and social movements, ensuring care for all of us. This sense of belonging is what makes our community special.

Our neighbor is a school principal; on the other side is a resident who runs a medical office; catty-corned across the street is an aerospace engineer; down the street are fire and police officers; and directly across from us is a grandmother caring for her grandkids.

Our community is a melting pot of talent, with first responders, teachers, and professionals in diverse fields such as science, medicine, and aerospace exploration. Communication channels, such as local newspapers, blogs, and public access television, foster a rich exchange of opinions and ideas, allowing our voices to be heard no matter what part of the political spectrum we might belong to.

I am a registered independent, and typically, I do not know the political leaning of those I interact with, as focus has always been on enhancing our children and caring for those in need.  

We have five City Council members who have been fiscally and organizationally responsible. When friends or relatives come to our city, they say how beautiful it is. We celebrate diverse holidays and cultures, present concerts in the park during the summer, have amassed open space around our city, built homes for the homeless, and a new senior center for older adults.

Our city is still young, but we are aware of growing pains. Yet, I do not see the division or desperation depicted by some politicians.

We are good neighbors, working to ensure the healthy and vibrant growth of our children, seniors, veterans and community. We recognize diversity and equality for all. 

This is Santa Clarita, and we should all be proud. 

Dr. Gene Dorio


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