Rick Barker | He Never Gives Up

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

In re: Thomas Oatway, letters, “Trump Behaving Disrespectfully,” Sept. 6.

First of all, Mr. Oatway, if you are going to quote people you should include a link to the supposed statement[s] you are attributing to them so the readers can see for themselves if they are being taken out of context or even falsely accused of saying something they never said. 

And I would also point you to several of my previous submissions to The Signal where I very plainly state that I am not a fan of former President Donald J. Trump and that I merely voted “against” Hillary Rodham Clinton and Joseph Robinette Biden, not “for” Mr. Trump. 

Unfortunately nowadays many of us are faced with voting for what we see as the lesser of two evils. 

I, and others reading these pages, are very aware that your obvious bitter hatred for Donald Trump has a huge influence on your letters. 

And in closing, sir, I fought and bled to defend this country and Constitution and to allow people I might even disagree with to freely voice their opinions, so please refrain from lumping all of us who served into a basket of your making. 

Rick Barker


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