The NAACP Santa Clarita branch’s mission is to work to disrupt inequality, dismantle racism and accelerate change in key areas including criminal justice, health care, education, climate and the economy. We are committed to inspiring positive change in our community in hopes we can be the catalyst that drives a better, more inclusive version of Santa Clarita.
Racism, in all its forms, is an assault on human dignity. It fosters division and perpetuates inequality. As a city we must stand together to challenge and dismantle hateful, divisive actions. Recently, (an individual) chose to disrespect an entire culture by flying the confederate flag in a local parade in support of Donald Trump. Everyone in this city should be openly appalled at the actions and the repeated bold display of a flag that glorifies a time of racist supremacy. A time that falsely justified the owning, selling, and killing of another human being and a time that no one should be proud of.
True progress can only be made when we embrace our shared humanity and celebrate diversity respectfully. Each of us has a responsibility to speak out. Santa Clarita, your silence is deafening!
Valerie Bradford
Santa Clarita