Dr. Gene Dorio | The Morning After

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

At the time of this writing, one week from today, it will be the morning after the election. Some candidates have spewed much hate into the airwaves. It continued to get worse recently when, at a public event, insults were hurdled at Americans from Puerto Rico. 

As I have aged in Santa Clarita, changes have occurred — for the better.

Providing a sanctuary for older adults to age in place has been the goal of many in this community. My physical ailments have brought out the best in citizens, as they have literally opened doors for me as I now navigate with a cane. 

Yesterday, as I was parking, a shopper at a local grocery store noticed my instability and brought over a shopping cart so “you can use it as a walker.” I didn’t know her, but she noticed and went out of her way to aid me!

The medical staff at our local hospital includes many excellent foreign-born doctors. Their expertise has enhanced the care we receive in this community.

We go to specialty doctors at centers of excellence outside the valley: One at Cedars-Sinai and the other at MD Anderson in Houston. Both are ultimate specialists from Puerto Rico.

Once the election is over, let’s return to normal and remove hate from our vocabulary. Let’s focus in Santa Clarita on educating our children (and grandchildren), providing state-of-the-art health care, keeping our environment clean and safe, and ensuring that older adults can continue to age in place.

Negativism and hate brought on by this election must be dispelled, and our inner spirit of goodness must flourish again. I see it innately every day in our citizens. Let it resurface so that, here in Santa Clarita, we can move forward toward a civilized morning after.

Dr. Gene Dorio


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