I accept that California is a leftist state that has very little chance of ever moderating. However, this does not mean we have pick our next governor from the trash-heap of a failed presidential election.
California has massive problems. Our schools generally suck. We have more homeless in California than the rest of the nation combined. We have one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients. We are 49th in home ownership. We are first in cost-adjusted poverty in the nation. We are last in literacy. Our infrastructure is aging and falling apart and nothing gets fixed quickly because the regulations strangle anyone and anything that gets in the way. Bill Maher recently complained that he had to get three inspections just to get a new garage door installed. We also have a huge issue with crime and an estimated 2 million illegals.
These are serious issues that require intelligence and a sober outlook. We need someone at the helm of this state who acknowledges these problems, otherwise they will never be fixed. If we learned anything from the recent presidential election, Kamala Harris isn’t very intelligent and she does not have a grasp on the issues, let alone the wisdom to at least try to correct them. She panders, it’s what she does best!
Gavin Newsom has been a failure and Kamala Harris would be worse. I hate to say it, but at least Jerry Brown appeared to grasp the issues and refused to become a left-wing lunatic like so many California Democrats have become. We can do much, much, better that Harris even if that person is a Democrat.
Brian Richards
Stevenson Ranch