I would like to respond to both Lois Eisenberg and Philip Wasserman, whose Dec. 19 letters show just how out of touch they are with the majority of people in our great valley.
First of all, Lois, Lois, Lois. What part of illegal do you not understand? The “undocumented” as you call them broke into our country illegally. They have no respect for our nation’s sovereignty, its laws, or its Constitution. Let me bring it home to you. If a person broke into your house, would you welcome him to stay? Would you feed and clothe him? Would you pay for his doctor visit when he cut his hand on your window breaking in? Would you gladly say yes when he wants to bring his entire family to live in your house? When Oprah “Give Me a Million” Winfrey asked your girl Kamala what she would do if someone broke into her house, she answered, “I would shoot him with my 9mm.” One more question, Lois. How would you feel if all of the immigrant farmworkers wore MAGA hats?
Now for Mr. Wasserman. The SCV is not purple. If it was, we wouldn’t have elected Suzette Valadares, a breath of fresh air in Sacramento, as our state senator. She is a conservative Republican who reflects the values and interests of the SCV. As I said, George Whitesides is not a moderate Democrat and he will be a one-term wonder. You ask, “What happened to the California Republican Party,” and why did the California GOP nominate, “An aging former major league baseball player to run for the U.S. Senate?” Be serious Mr. Wasserman. The California GOP could have nominated a reincarnated Ronald Reagan, a reincarnated Abraham Lincoln, or a reincarnated Pope John Paul II. The insane state of California still would have voted for the biggest liar to ever set foot in our nation’s Capitol, Adam Schiff. The insane Democratic Party will rule California in perpetuity. We are resigned to that. It is only in small islands of sanity like the SCV where common sense has a chance.
Larry Moore