Arthur Saginian | Ignoring the Most Important Question

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

I read the letter submitted by Jack Crawford this morning (Dec. 4, “A Moderate’s Perspective”). It was honest and nicely written.

But there was something about Mr. Crawford’s closing sentence that grabbed my attention and still has me feeling quite uncomfortable. Mr. Crawford wrote, “For now we just need to put the past eight years and the next four years behind us as quickly and effectively as possible.” 

For some reason that I have yet to pinpoint, I feel there is something very, very wrong with that statement, although I think I understand the underlying sentiment — as in, let’s just move on?

Well, I have a problem with, “Let’s just move on,” because it avoids the most important question, “Why is this happening?”

I think Mr. Crawford is prescribing “avoidance” in the hopes that “quality candidates” will magically spring up from the soil. That’s not how this works. They don’t just spring up … we choose them from among ourselves because they represent “US.” 

Arthur Saginian

Santa Clarita

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