Brian Richards | Medicine vs. Food

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

A recent letter from Lois Eisenberg (Jan. 16, “Peace of Mind Thanks to Biden”) spoke glowingly about the reduction in out-of-pocket expenses for people on Medicare.

The final sentence in this glowing tribute to the great man was this: “All American health care recipients will have peace of mind knowing they won’t have to choose between filling their prescriptions or putting food on the table.”

What Ms. Eisenberg neglects to mention is that food inflation was 3.94% in 2021, 9.95% in 2022, 5.76% in 2023, and 2.26% in 2024 for a total of a 21.91% increase in food. Source:

As an aside, I don’t know where they got this 21.91% number. Anyone who shops for food knows it’s much greater than 21.91%.

In the Biden era prescriptions are more affordable, but food is not. Many health care recipients will have lower prescription costs, but they’ll be a lot more hungry than they used to be.

 Brian Richards

Stevenson Ranch 

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