All the typical and expected drama majors and hysterics were out in full force after President Donald Trump, rightly, pardoned all the Jan. 6 trespassers. Their outrage is directed at a small few who assaulted police officers during the demonstration even though those people had served years in prison for their crimes.
And, even though had these people done the same thing not related to Jan. 6, they would have received a fraction of their sentence.
Then I noted something that happened during the final hours of the Joe Biden administration. Something that all the drama majors must have overlooked.
So in the interest of fairness, allow me to make you aware of an even greater outrage that you will predictably be silent about. The Biden administration was given a list of pardons by the ACLU. In typical incompetent fashion, nobody was awake enough to check the list to see who might be on it. The list included a person named Adrian Peeler. You’re probably wondering what Adrian did.
Did he protest as an anti-abortion march? Did he steal a loaf of bread to feed his starving family?
No, he was a drug lord who murdered a mom and her 8-year-old son to prevent the mom from testifying against him.
Do not lecture us or heap your Everest-like mountain of sanctimony about the J6’ers when your guy is lettering this monster go free.
Nobody thought to even check the list to see what slumbering Joe was signing?
Give me a break.
Brian Richards
Stevenson Ranch