A fact that seems not to even be considered, by Southern California Edison, or anyone else for that matter, is what happens to rural residents when they shut off the power. Rural properties that are on wells depend on having power to both pump the water out of the ground, and pressurize it. When SCE shuts down the power to these places, they leave the residents without any means whatsoever to fight a fire that might impact them. In addition, many of these properties have livestock. A horse can easily drink 5 gallons of water a day. How is a boarding stable, or even someone like me with four horses on my ranch, going to get water for their livestock? Bottled water just isn’t going to do it.
What about all of the people who need electricity to maintain their life and health? Invalids in electric beds, people on oxygen concentrators, people with electric lifts to access second stories, and many more. It is not just ranches and water wells that can be impacted, by any means.
I finally got a solar system with battery backup just because of this possibility. But it costs a fortune and not everyone can do it.
Arbitrary power shutoff by SCE is more of a danger to rural ranch properties, indeed most properties, than any windstorm.
Judy Reinsma
Santa Clarita