‘Planning Commission 101’ set for Tuesday  

Santa Clarita City Hall
Santa Clarita City Hall

The city of Santa Clarita is forgoing a regularly scheduled monthly meeting Tuesday for an edition of “Planning Commission 101,” according to city officials.  

The study session is intended to introduce any new members to the roles and responsibilities that come with the title “planning commissioner,” and the norms and procedures for the five-person advisory board’s review process. 

“We’ll talk about some of the state laws, and what is the sort of project that will come before the Planning Commission, and talk about the (Ralph M.) Brown Act,” said Jason Crawford, director of community development for the city, referring to the state’s open-meeting law intended to ensure government meetings are open to the public. “And just sort of give them a general introduction to the Planning Commission. 

Crawford said the study session would be led by Planning Manager Patrick Leclair and himself. The important advisory body for the City Council reviews residential and commercial projects, as well as permit requests and zoning concerns, looking at projects to ensure their compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.  

There have been three fairly recent additions to the city’s commission, including: Denise Lite, who was appointed in September by Councilwoman Laurene Weste to fill the unplanned opening from the resignation of Dennis Ostrom; Pamela Verner, president of SCV Commercial Real Estate Services, who was Mayor Bill Miranda’s pick to replace the seat previously held by recently elected Councilwoman Patsy Ayala on the Planning Commission; and Nathan Keith, a Tejon Ranch executive who was Ayala’s recommendation for the commission.  

The decisions from the Planning Commission last year included everything from a halt on a controversial plan to put homes on the former site of the Santa Clarita Swap Meet at the Saugus Speedway, which the City Council ultimately overruled, to a homeowner’s permit request for a second shed in Placerita Canyon. The latter is currently being appealed to the City Council. 

Keith, Lite and Verner join Tim Burkhart, who was pegged by Councilman Jason Gibbs to rejoin the group for a sixth term, and Lisa Eichman, who was named to the board by Councilwoman Marsha McLean. Both have served multiple terms on the commission. 

Each council member appoints one person to the commission, a body scheduled to meet biweekly per the city’s website, but in recent practice has met monthly. The council members’ appointments are subject to ratification by the full council. 

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