Larry Moore | Boston Right, as Usual

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

John Boston, as usual, was absolutely right in his Friday column (Jan. 24) about the grotesque bicycle barriers recently installed on Orchard Village Road. Streets can define and enhance communities. Just take a drive across the San Fernando Valley on Vanowen Boulevard. At times, if you didn’t know better, you would think you were in a third world country. Contrast that with a drive on Orchard Village, pre-barrier. You could be in Paris or London. Driving now on Orchard Village reminds me of being in a pinball machine, with the barriers being cushioned rails. The Tour de France ends with a thrilling sprint down the tree-lined Champs-Elysees. Can you imagine the Paris City Council installing Orchard Village barriers along the Champs, arguably the world’s most beautiful and famous boulevard? They would be banished to some foreign legion outpost in the Sahara. 

I hope the Santa Clarita City Council will experience a moment of clarity and realize the barriers are an unfortunate mistake. I just trust the cost of removing them isn’t more than the installation. What’s next … speed bumps on McBean Parkway? 

Larry Moore


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