Soon you will receive a very large ballot for the Nov. 8 election. For the first time the Santa Clarita City Council election will be included in that big ballot.
TimBen Boydston’s name will be on that ballot. He has served our city as a voice of the people for four years. He deserves another term.
His first service to the city was as an appointed member to the council. When a council member left mid-term the council did not want to hold another election, but the public protested having the City Council members picking a replacement.
Holding an appointed position gives the advantage of incumbency during the next election, but the council didn’t want to spend the money for an election.
TimBen Boydston’s name had been mentioned with numerous others for the position. To calm the battle, TimBen said if he was appointed he would not run in the next election.
The public liked the change TimBen brought to the council and asked him to run in the next election. He refused because he had given his word not to run.
He waited until a later election and ran a grassroots campaign. He won!
He is intelligent and fights for what is best for the city, not just special interests. Since being elected he has fought for transparency and accountability at City Hall.
He kept his word. Please give him your vote on Nov. 8.