Art of Timothy Doe on Display at Canyon Country Library

'World of Birds,' artwork by Timothy Doe. Courtesy photo

A new art exhibit by Santa Clarita artist, Timothy Doe will be on display from Tuesday, January 17 through Wednesday, May 17, at the Canyon Country Jo Anne Darcy Library, located at 18601 Soledad Canyon Road.

The exhibit entitled “Uncle Tim’s World of Birds” is a series of 16×20 acrylic paintings, each united by a common theme or locale. The paintings were done over an 18-month period, all painted outdoors under shade trees in the natural light.

The collection was inspired by a Western Scrub Jay Timothy spotted perched on a branch of a live oak tree while in Ventura. The project continued as he chased birds around and conducted extensive research at a variety of Southern California libraries.

Timothy grew up in a very artistic household and began dabbling in art at a very young age. His interests pulled him towards a very wide variety of styles, media and materials, leading him on a path to becoming a multi-media artist.

For more information about the exhibit, please contact Jeff Barber, Santa Clarita Arts and Events Supervisor, at 661-250-3779 or [email protected], or visit

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