Jim Blumel: Pete Knight: An honorable man it was a privilege to know

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

It is often asked, “Who are your heroes in life?” One of mine is a man named William J. “Pete” Knight.

Colonel Knight was an Air Force test pilot in the 1960s. This month marks the 50th anniversary of one of the most amazing feats in aviation history. On Oct. 3, 1967, Pete Knight flew an X-15 airplane at a record speed of 4,520 miles per hour! That is twice the speed of a rifle bullet, and a record that still stands today.

He later served as Mayor of Palmdale and a member of the California state Assembly and Senate before his death in 2004.

Among his many achievements as mayor, he initiated and steered the creation of the Palmdale Auto Mall, of which I was a participant.

I remember him as a man of great vision and much accomplishment, but who was a humble ordinary guy I was privileged to know. We honor his memory.

Jim Blumel
Santa Clarita

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