Black Friday: Busiest golf day of the year


Black Friday. Those two words can turn the most casual shopper into hysterics this time of year. The sweet deals, and the huge crowds offer an adrenaline rush many of you may never experience again.

But the adrenaline rush of Black Friday does not stop with the shopping. If you are a golf professional, Black Friday means that you are about to experience your busiest day of the year at the golf course.

Having been a golf professional for over 20 years, I have witnessed first-hand the craziness of Black Friday on the golf course.

Something about the delicious food, combined with festive cocktails on Thanksgiving Day, convinces even the most novice golfers that they ought to try playing golf the next day.

Family members seem to come out of the woodworks during Thanksgiving, and the next thing you know, Uncle George finds himself in your garage dusting off a 30-year-old set of Spalding’s to play golf with the next day.

That’s what Black Friday golf is all about.

Any golf professionals out there know exactly what I’m talking about. Often, there is a three-hour wait to tee off. What do you do for three hours while waiting to tee off?

You eat, of course.

After breakfast, you’ll have plenty of time to venture out to the practice range to try out those Spalding’s. The grips feel a little slick, and your belly feels a little full, but you’ll get by.

After all, you played golf a couple of times in high school, so I’m sure the game will come back to you in no time. Of course, that was 30 years ago, but who’s counting?

I am joking, of course, but only slightly. The fact is that Black Friday really is known as the busiest golf day of the year.

My experience has always been at private golf clubs, but I’m sure that professionals at public courses can offer similar stories.

Black Friday golf, despite being somewhat chaotic, is actually a fun day to be a golf professional. In a people business, such as golf, it can be fun to meet a new crowd of players that you aren’t accustomed to being around.

Uncle George might not be a very good golfer, but he’s likely to be excited to be out for the day, and that energy is fun to be around.

As you sit around on this Black Friday looking for a fun way to spend the day, do yourself this favor — dust off those old golf clubs in the garage, grab a relative who is visiting you for Thanksgiving, and go enjoy a round of golf together.

The round might take you about eight hours, but you’ll likely have a heck of a good time.

Happy holidays everyone.

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