This letter to the editor is a response to the letter “The error of his ways” sent to The Signal by Keith Smith of Canyon Country and published Nov. 11, 2017.
In it Smith argues columnist Josh Heath is too young and too much “a product of the California school system” to understand his own bias.
It is not the error of Joshua’s ways — it is the error of the white people not wanting to know of our past history about our hateful race discrimination that it still evident in our culture today, but stronger due to the hate spewed and the deliberate damaging agendas to divide our country.
“He is simply parroting what his teachers have taught him,” Smith says.
Joshua is simply stating the facts as attested by his research, which he so aptly applied in his column.
My response to Joshua is this: If only more young people and older people take heed to your insightful opinion, maybe — just maybe — America wouldn’t be so divided, especially about race.
Lois Eisenberg