Peterson Grapplers Completed 2017 with a Bang

Top, l-r: River Page, Sam Richards, Alex Munoz, Sebastian Barajas, and Alejandro Navarro. Bottom row, l-r: Hank Sharbonow and Zeth Abalos. Courtesy photo

By Archie Mendoza, Stevenson Ranch Community Contributor

Students from Peterson Grapplers competed in wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu tournaments across southern California with tons of success.  River Page, 10, 79lbs- Fall Brawl Jiu-Jitsu 1st place; Sam Richards, 11, 123lbs- Fall Brawl Jiu-Jitsu 1st place; Alex Munoz, 12, 130 lbs- LAWA tournament 2nd place, Freakshow 3rd place; Sebastian Barajas, 9, 88lbs- KCWA Take Down tournament 1st place and Alejandro Navarro, 10, 77lbs- Freakshow National tournament 4th place, CAGWA 1st place, Fall Brawl Jiu-Jitsu 1st place. Hank Sharbonow, 9, 68lbs- Fall Brawl Jiu-Jitsu 3rd place and  Zeth Abalos, 9, 68lbs- KCWA Take Down tournament 1st place.


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