Regarding the article, “Standing Together,” in the Saturday, April 21 issue of The Signal, I have this to say to our youth. Thinking back to the early 1960s and Martin Luther King’s vision and voice, specifically in Washington, and looking to where it is today, you young people are also at that starting point as Mr. King was, and YOU CAN make a change as he and his followers did.
Keep your voices loud and heard, do not be intimidated by anyone. Register to vote and vote. Look at all the politicians’ backgrounds, and how long they have been in office and what have they done to protect you. How much do they actually care about you and your safety. Demand lawmakers to make a difference. Do not allow yourselves to be side-tracked in this cause. Keep it going with your voices, walkouts and marches. Like the old political saying, every vote counts. In this case, every voice counts.
Ken Dean
Santa Clarita