Judy Reinsma: Motorcycles in the canyon

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Does anyone know what can be done about motorcycles riding in San Francisquito Canyon? Every weekend from dawn to dark, and most afternoons and evenings there are motorcycles driving up and down in the wash. None of these vehicles seem to have mufflers, and they are a constant irritation with loud noise, revving up their engines as they drive back and forth for hours. The noise is so bad that you can even hear it with all the windows in the house closed.

They are sometimes joined by ATVs which do even more damage to the riverbed, and make as much noise. Frequently the ATVs drive up into the hills in the afternoon and then return with much whooping and hollering and bright lights around 11:00 pm.

Calls to the Sheriff get several responses which vary from: 1. We can’t do anything it’s private property. (It is private, but it is the SEA and it is illegal to do this in a SEA) 2. Call the Highway Patrol (The Highway Patrol is in charge of the actual road, this is off-road in the riverbed). or 3. We’ll send someone out. (They drive out, sit there for a minute and if they don’t hear anything they leave. We suspect the culprits have a scanner.)

This situation gets worse every year. Following a group of them down the wash last year I discovered that they all came out of the Tesoro tract. Do residents in the other canyons have this problem? Once again, what can we do? We no longer enjoy a quiet day or evening in our homes or in our yards. This is not acceptable.

Judy Reinsma
Santa Clarita

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