Oh, Horton! As usual, in my opinion, he has it all WRONG again. (Gary Horton, Sept. 19)
It is definitely about re-electing Steve Knight to Washington in order to give California a chance to ever recover our former respect and glory. It is about keeping our Santa Clarita Valley as the unique district that it is in Los Angeles County, a magnet to so many who like what they see in our city and communities.
Is Horton not aware that there that there are only a handful of loyal California representatives in Washington? Yet he claims that the way to make California better is to “flip” our 25th district? California is already in sad shape with Democrats giving us the highest taxes, liberal immigration objectives, and “free everything” to everyone.
Why would wouldn’t we — who know firsthand that SCV is unique in the voice of our local government, our state representatives, and Steve Knight in the U.S. House of Representatives — want to keep him there?
It is definitely ABOUT Steve and ABOUT California at the same time. The SCV needs to keep exhibiting its superiority to the rest of California so that we can regain the California that we citizens all remember. Steve Knight will continue to serve us all BEST.
Glenda Johnson
Santa Clarita