I don’t think the Republicans should have put a time limit on and told the FBI who they could interview, given the importance of the position on the Supreme Court.
Had the FBI been given all the time they felt they needed, and allowed to talk to ANYONE they wanted to, or their investigation led them to, I think more people in our country (not all)would be more inclined to go along with his confirmation.
I would be surprised if the Republicans do not lose votes in future elections because of the Kavanaugh confirmation being rushed through and President Trump making fun of Dr. (Christine Blasey) Ford in the news on TV, after he previously stated she was a nice lady.
Also, stop and think, what did Dr. Ford have to gain by coming forward? She didn’t even want to, and she had more to lose and nothing to gain. Her story was believable.
Brett Kavanaugh was asked many, many, times if he would want an FBI investigation and would not give a direct answer!
Also, he had a reason to lie with his wife and daughters listening to everything said.
Just one man’s opinion.
Frank Marion