Hanukkah is a Jewish celebration that lasts for eight days and nights and commemorates the victory of the Maccabees over the Greek-Syrian ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes roughly 2,200 years ago.
Hanukkah is called the “Festival of Lights” in recognition of the day’s supply of oil that somehow burned in the temple for eight days.
Hanukkah celebrations are rife with tradition. Families eat latkes and sufganiyot, which are fried in oil to commemorate the miracle of the oil. Children are rewarded for their Torah studies by receiving Hanukkah money and presents during the eight-day celebration, which also includes a recitation of the entire Hallel.
Individuals light a special nine-branched candelabrum called a menorah. In ancient times, oil was used to light the menorah, but nowadays many Hanukkah celebrants use candles to light their menorahs, which are typically placed in prominent spots in their homes.