Zero tolerance in the immigration crackdown: (The government) was so unprepared at the U.S.-Mexico border. Criminally prosecuting parents and sending their children to shelters and foster homes was a criminal act by a criminal administration, overseen by a man who is not capable of governing.
Hundreds of children were held, causing grave stress and anxiety for them and their parents.
There were serious issues separating the families, because the records were handled incorrectly when identifying, tracking and confirming who belonged to whom, meaning parents and children.
There was no database at first to give the parents the whereabouts of their children, but when the database with the information came through it was incomplete and inconsistent.
The sadness of it all is, besides the above information is that there are now (many) children who remain in government custody, being separated from their parents.
There should be “zero tolerance” for this cruel and inhumane act by the present administration, especially against the children!
Lois Eisenberg