Dear Suburban Women: I have an honest question for you.
According to 2018 election results, in Santa Clarita, suburban women swung from Republican to Democrat by 15 percent last election cycle and when asked why they switched, many cited contempt for the vulgar language and unkind demeanor of Donald Trump. Let’s face it: Trump isn’t winning any personality contests among many SCV women. So, in rejection of his negative attitude toward his opposition and vulgar speech, they turned to the younger, fresher, Katie Hill, who promised to be a better, kinder politician and a positive role model for their kids.
Except she’s not.
Did you read the latest Politico article on Katie Hill? (Feb. 14) According to Katie Hill, Republicans, you know, like half of your friends and neighbors in Santa Clarita, “Don’t give a s— about the issues” and are operating a “ploy.” Trump swears, Hillary Clinton calls his supporters “deplorables,” Rashida Tlaib declares we must “impeach the motherf—–,” and now Katie Hill says we don’t give a “s—” about important issues that improve our society.
Hey kids, meet your elected officials.
So, ladies, I have an honest question for you. Which is worse? A large, boisterous, coarse man who says vulgar and unkind things at times, while making no claims to being morally superior, or a woman who promotes herself, and her movement, as an alternative to the vulgar and the unkind, then acts BOTH vulgar and unkind?
I don’t know about you, but I’m very sensitive to hypocrisy, and my heart breaks over the toxic nature of politics nowadays, but is choosing a Democrat who bashes her constituents and co-workers any different than a Republican who does? Is this really what you wanted; a woman who has less than a month in office and has already shown complete contempt for half of her colleagues and almost half of her constituents?
You know, for years, Steve Knight actually flew back to California from Washington, D.C., with Maxine Waters; yes, the very same anti-Republican Maxine Waters that people call “Kerosene Maxine” in Congress! The two did so with no curse words between them.
Katie Hill hasn’t made it 90 days into her tenure and she has already said things so hateful about her president, her co-workers and her constituents, that I have to filter them out of the news I show my kids.
So, I guess I want to know: Is this what you wanted? And if it is… how is it ANY different than Donald Trump?
Cardon Ellis