Mary R. Martin | Applause for Homeless Solution Idea

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Re: “Solution to Homeless Issue?” letters, March 12.

Thank you, Karla H. Edwards, for your letter printed in The Signal.

My brother, sister, mother and father would so like not to cross two sets of railroad tracks at Drayton Street to arrive at the homeless shelter right across the street from the Waste Management dump trucks’ parking lot.

I applaud your concept and pray the city will perhaps purchase and donate this land to Bridge to Home and Family Promise for a year-round and permanent shelter for our fellow people. 

This “awesome” town needs to protect all of us, including those who have fallen on tough times and those of us who just need a lift up by the boot straps. There but for the grace of God, go I.

Mary R. Martin

Canyon Country

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