Alan Zuckerman | Kraut, Your Research Is Lacking

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Re: Jonathan Kraut, “On Trump’s Tariff War with China,” commentary, May 14:

I would suggest that before you write another article you do a little more research. 

Let me be clear, I am no Trump supporter! I think he is a narcissistic pathological liar, who stands a very good chance of entering the same prison that his “fixer” is in once he is no longer president. 

You stated that the name Costco stands for “Chinese Offshore Shipping Transportation Company.” 

This is absolutely not true! If you go to Snopes you will get a false response. I also just called the main office for Costco and they also said that it’s not true. They said Costco is just a name, and does not stand for anything. 

You then go on to state “Costco’s Kirkland brand is named after the seaport destination for Chinese ships of Kirkland Washington.” I

I hate to break it to you, Jonathan, but Kirkland does not have a shipping port that Chinese ships sail into. They do have a cute little marina to launch sailboats. I know this for a fact because I just called  the Sea Port Products Corp. in Kirkland. 

Why should anyone believe any thing else you write?

Alan Zuckerman, Newhall

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